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F⁄A-18 Hornet FAQ 1.6
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From: Jim Anderson - Systems Manager - x2082 <James.C.Anderson@williams.edu>
Subject: F-18 Hornet FAQ V1.6
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=09=09=09 The F/A-18 FAQ
=09=09=09=09 V1.6
=09=09 =09 Feb. 8, 1994
This is version 1.5 of F/AQ-18. This FAQ is compiled largely from =
=66rom F/A-18 players. There is always more that can be added, so fee=
l free
to send additions, info, mission hints, etc. In addition to contribut=
=66rom players, this FAQ is compiled from my own limited knowledge an=
d stuff=20
I've picked up from the net.=20
=09The FAQ is released once a month, as close to the beginning of the
month as my time permits. Is is also posted to sumex, wuarchive via =
mirror process and hopefully some kind sole with access to AOL will p=
it up there, as well.
=09Please send all submissions to James.C.Anderson@williams.edu.
I will preface addtions to the faq with a > in the far left hand colu=
mn. =20
This will allow current readers a "fast scan" for new info. As alway=
comments, questions and suggestions are appreciated. Anything else o=
f a=20
nonconstructive nature will be filed for future use....
The FAQ is organized as follows:
=09=09A. Defensive Strategies
=09=09B. Offensive Strategies
=09=09A. Definitions of Frequently Used Terms
=09=09B. Archives
=09=09C. Patches
=09=09D. Release Notes
A. Defensive Strategies: (i.e. How do I avoid missiles?)
The best way to deal with missiles is, of course, don't get shot at. =
that you can launch at targets outside 10 miles away (you don't have =
to be
in ACM mode to target). If you don't consider it cheating, you can al=
use the '5' key to see what the enemy you have targeted is (to distin=
guish SAM
sites from radar-guided AAA.)
Brad Ward (wardw@cs.colostate.edu) writes on how to take out SAM site=
"The best way to knock out a SAM is to fly below 100ft (below thei=
r radar).
When you get into range of your AGM-88s (about 12 miles), pull up =
to about
600ft and fire. Immediately drop down to below 100ft again so tha=
t the SAM
can't fire at you before it dies.
If you've got a threat indicator, dip below 100ft. If the indic=
ator turns
off, then you've got a SAM nearby. If its still on, you've got an=
plane nearby."
You can also avoid SAMs by flying above them. Scott Cherkofsky notes =
that you
can fly above their range. They will still acquire and launch, but th=
e missiles
will simply fall short. Of course, there's still the MiGs...
Unfortunately, in most missions, you will be shot at. Adam Talcott de=
tails one
method of avoiding missiles:
"The most important thing in avoiding a missile is to see it. I m=
ake liberal
use of the enemy view (the one that shows a view from your current=
selected target to you) to determine from where the missile was la=
Normally, you'll have a good idea as to what launched the missile =
by your
range from each target.
Turn toward the missile and be sure you have enough altitude to=
perform an
inverted Split-S (exact altitude depends on your airspeed). When =
you see
the missile, invert and pull back on the stick while releasing cha=
ff and
flares. Level off and release more chaff and flares. The idea is=
put the missile in a situation where it cannot react quickly enoug=
h to
your maneuver and misses you in favor of your countermeasures."
Also, some people find it helpful to quickly look at the external vie=
w ('3')
to check for incoming missiles.
B. Offensive Strategies:
Launching missiles:
Adam Talcott writes:
I find that launching an AMRAAM when your target is less than 10 m=
iles away
will almost guarantee a hit. Similarly, a Sidewinder launched whe=
n your
target is less than 5 miles away will more than likely hit the tar=
get. When
combined with a good approach for avoiding SAMs and other missiles=
, you can
survive long enough to to get a good shot off.
Finally, launching HARMs (and all guided A/G weapons) from a highe=
r altitude
is very beneficial and allows it to descend at the proper rate. F=
ired too
low, guided A/G weapons seem to strike the ground short and miss t=
Also, when returning to base, don't fire missiles. Dieder Bylsma note=
=09"On your way back from a mission, don't launch any missiles in the
=09general direction of your base...the base seems to get just as an=
=09as Hellcats and court-martials you for destroying allied property =
=09something along that line) -- it was kinda humorous though! :-)"
Launching Camera Guided Weapons:
=09At a couple thousand feet altitude, try lining up in the direction=
the target, then engaging the autopilot (make sure TACN is off so it =
send you to a waypoint). This should level out the plane, and you are=
free to
target without worrying about crashing.
Hitting targets:
=09You can often use your HARM missiles against your actual objective=
not just the missile sites you find on the way. Sometimes, hitting th=
e guns at
enemy plants with HARMs can will take out the plants themselves. Also=
look for
enemy boats, etc. with your radar, so you can shoot missiles at them.=
This way,
you don't have to try and hit them with your guns or vainly attempt t=
o target
them with an optically-guided missile.
Fly low:
=09It is generally accepted that flying low (<100ft) is a good way
to avoid detection, both by SAM sites and planes (if you're in silent=
Noting the position of your shadow can help you control your altitude=
. =20
If, like most of us, you have trouble holding steady, you can try low=
your landing gear. This slows you down and seems to make control easi=
er. It
also kills the annoying 'Altitude' message...
=09Use your afterburner to accelerate, then cut back to 100% Mil
power to maintain your current speed. This doesn't seem right, but th=
how it works in the game.=20
=09Also, unless you have a really heavy load, you can launch from a=
carrier without using the catapult. Just hold the brake, go to AB6, a=
let go of the brake.=20
NOTE: This section can be considered to contains some 'spoilers.' Don=
=09read it if you don't want to know what's coming at you in a given
Black Gold: This is an excellent mission for practicing the basics if=
you are
=09a beginner. It has one SAM site and one incoming enemy plane. Prac=
=09taking out the SAM site with an AGM-88 or with gunfire. Similarly,
=09try taking out the plane with Sidewinders, 120s, or the cannon. If=
=09take out the radar-guided gun at the refinery site, you are free t=
=09practice any sort of bombing you want.=20
You Can't Hide: To complete the mission without ever seeing the enemy=
, fly
=09towards the plant. Your ground radar should show two sites, the
=09second of which is the radar guided AAA at the plant. Launch your
=09AGM-88s when you get within 20 miles. If you want, send your
=09120s at the closest of the planes trying to intercept you (about 2=
=09miles away at that point) Turn around and head for home. If you=
=09bring 4 88s, you shouldn't have any problem hitting it at that=
=09Jaymie Parker gives another approach:
=09This is real simple. Take some big bombs. Preferably one nuke. Fly=
=09from the target until you reach twenty-thousand feet. Now head fo=
r the
=09target but continue gaining altitude so you ar at thirty-thousand=
=09when you are over the target. Dive, and drop your bombs when you =
are 30
=09seconds away from the target. You should have them all dispatched=
=09you reach fifteen thousand feet. Then go to full A/B until you ar=
e back
=09above twenty thousand feet. The SAM's will fall short of you if y=
ou get
=09back up fast enough. Now just fly home. I've never met a single p=
=09on this mission.=20
Bird Down: Jaymie Parker writes:
=09Take two AIM-9's and four AIM-120's. Begin heading for way point o=
=09and watch for the Mig's on your VS radar. Be sure to use IFF to be=
=09that they are not the helicopter or the AWAC. Target the closest =
one as
=09soon as you find it with the 120's. Wait until it is in range an=
=09launch immediately. Target the other and launch. Repeat this with=
=09remaining two 120's. Then again with the Sidewinders if needed. Th=
=09just fly around following the helicopter. There will be two plane=
s on
=09radar, one is the chopper the other is the AWAC. Continue flying=
=09around with chopper until it is over waypoint 2 then land. Do not =
=09until the chopper is safely over waypoint 2 or it get's destroyed=
Pull the Plug: Jim McKee (dakota@world.std.com) writes:
=09After taking off, climb to 50,000 ft while circling
=09your base. Head for the dam. As you approach the dam,
=09SAMs will start exploding under you (you'll hear them,
=09but they won't touch you because of your altitude).=20
=09Site and select the dam using your FLIR. Dive toward the=20
=09dam until your impact indicator covers the selection diamond,=20
=09and then release your B-57's. Mash your afterburner switch
=09and climb back to 50,000 ft to avoid incoming SAMs. If you
=09want to take a look at the water pouring down into the
=09river valley, bank your plane and look out the side.
=09Return to your base maintaining high altitude until you're
=09about 3 miles away (by your NAV display), then dive toward
=09the runway and bring your baby home. Works every time.
=09Siqi Tan (sneaky@uclink.berkeley.edu) gives a nuclear-free strateg=
=09The mission pull the plug is easy to accomplish. You do not need =
=09Nukes at all. 2 Anti-Radar missiles or 2 A-120 and a pair of bomb=
or 1=20
=09Maverick will do. Take off from your home base and make a 90 degr=
=09right turn. Use the ARAD Radar to locate a patrol boat on the rive=
=09This patrol boat is relatively far away from all other SAM sites a=
nd AA=20
=09guns. Fly about 3000ft toward this patrol boat and kill it once y=
=09are in range. At this point your flight path should be perpendicul=
ar to
=09the river. Fly to the river and make a left 90 degree turn so yo=
u are=20
=09flying along the river and headed toward the valley between the tw=
=09mountains. At this point, reduce speed to about 300 nm and altitud=
e to
=09about 100 ft. Use the ARAD radar to select the second patrol boat =
=09the river (this is the only guy that can cause you some trouble), =
=09kill it. Once the second patrol boat is killed, you can fly towar=
d the
=09dam at about 100ft with no worries. Once you are inside the vall=
=09(between the two mountains), you can increase your altitude to abo=
=09600 ft. At this point, you can simply lock on to the dam with you=
=09maverick, or bombs. If you don't have any bombs, you can even use=
=09anti-Radar missile to hit the dam. The key is that you have to get=
=09within 100 ft of the dam before firing. After the dam is destroy=
=09you can go home easily.
The Bridge: Tom Morrisson writes:
=09Three stages:
=091. Take out two enemy planes (3 AIM-9s per plane)
=092. Take out SAM sites (1 AIM-120 per site)
=093. Destroy bridge (4 hits with MK-82)
=09Ordinance: The best way I've found so far is to carry 6 Aim-9s, t=
=09120s, and the rest as MK-82LD.
=09Take out two enemy planes:
=09Upon take-off, and fly with AB6 till you're at 500 nm/hr and then =
=09back to 100%. This lets you get well ahead of the general, so you=
=09waste the enemy planes and SAMs before he gets there. Set your ra=
dar to
=09VS and set your flight vector to a direction a little ahead of th=
e enemy
=09planes. Fly < 100 ft towards the enemy planes to avoid detection=
. As
=09you fly closer to the planes, re-adjust radar so that you eventual=
ly are
=09using TWS (This will help you better gauge distance and flight
=09direction.) When both planes are in range, fire 3 Aim-9s per plan=
=09while still remaining under 100 ft. The planes seem to be paying
=09attention to the poor General, who is sometimes meeting his fate =
=09the time. This technique almost always removes the planes from ac=
=09(If one is still alive, fire a 120 at it to finish it off, then yo=
=09have to strafe one of the SAM sites.)
=09Take out SAM sites:
=09Turn towards the SAMs and activate the ground ARAD radar and adjus=
t the
=09range to 10 nm. There are two of SAM sites, the front most and th=
e rear
=09most. Lock onto the front most SAM and launch 120s or strafe. Th=
=09turn toward the second SAM site and launch your second 120. If yo=
u have
=09to strafe this site, avoid flying over the AA sites because they w=
=09turn you into Swiss Cheese. Remember to keep below 100 ft while d=
=09Destroy the Bridge:
=09Once the SAMs are destroyed, you're relatively free to drop the bo=
mbs on
=09the bridge. If you stay above 3000 ft. and the AA are not very
=09effective. It takes four bomb hits to successfully destroy the b=
=09one on each ramp and
=09one on each half of the bridge spans. I prefer to use MK-82LD beca=
use I
=09have trouble getting the AGM-65Es to work well from high elevatio=
ns. If
=09the General manages to drop bombs, he takes out the bridge spans. =
Intercept Santa: Dieder Bylsma (dbylsma@herman.cs.uoguelph.ca) sugge=
=09"Get an extra fuel tank and head off to Waypoint 2 to nail the 'ca=
=09plane (an L-1011 by the looks of it?) with a few AMRAAMs fired at=
=09range. Don't forget to jettison the tank when you're finished with=
=09(Take a look in the external view when it is jettisoned...nice jo=
=09 Dieder notes that carrying an extra fuel tank works well for mo=
=09other missions, too. If you decide you don't want it, you can alwa=
=09jettison it.
=09 Also Dieder notes that you can complete the mission by putting
=09a crater in the runway (with a Durandal or just a regular bomb):
=09"The poor transport plane looses its landing gear when it rolls ov=
er a
=09bomb crater. The result is successful mission completion. (The r=
=09seems to be made of swamp because half of the dropped bombs make b=
=09splashes and leave no craters.)"
=09 Finally, Dieder also gives a trick for this mission:
=09"This is kind of sneaky, but in intercept Santa, there's the airpo=
=09located at waypoint 2. There are *no* air defenses around it. So t=
=09yourself over there, land, and wait for the plane to come by and t=
=09launch your AMRAAMs while stationary once the plane is in view. On=
ce it
=09is smoking, power up and tackle those advanced fighters. Or if you=
=09feeling less adventuresome than that, fly back to base. Whatever=
=09happens, ensure that you are gone in the air by the time that the =
=09plane crashes."
Road to Destruction: In this one, you've got two enemies flying righ=
t at
=09the carrier (real smart). To get off the deck in a hurry, just cra=
=09it up to AB6. Dieder Bylsma notes that you can actually start=20
=09launching at these guys from the deck. He also notes that you can
=09just crater the road. The bad guys will fall in and you'll get a=
=09successful mission.
Tanks Anyway: John Manning (pmodern@aol.com) writes:
=09"You have to take care of three fighters and a SAM site before
=09you can bomb the storage facilities.
=09Load: 6 AIM-9s, 2 AIM-120s, and the rest as MK-82LD.
=09Plane 1: Take off, head towards waypoint 1 and turn on VS
=09radar at 80nm range. Head toward the leftmost fighter and
=09drop below 100ft. Fly under him, pull an Immelman and get him
=09from behind with one or two Sidewinders.
=09Planes 2 and 3: Once you've disposed of the first bogey,
=09switch on TACN and autopilot and head toward waypoint 1 again.
=09Put your radar in RWS mode at 40 miles. You may see Captain
=09Smith engaging the other two fighters approximately 20 miles
=09ahead; he's usually been shot down my now, though. Drop below
=09100ft again and head toward the fight. Use one of the
=09AIM-120s and a Sidewinder to take out the advanced fighter
=09(check which one you've targeted by using the '5' key), then
=09drop the MIG with your remaining Sidewinders. They usually
=09get off a couple of shots at you, so use proper
=09missile-avoidance techniques.=20
=09SAM: Head toward waypoint 2, put your radar into ARAD mode at
=0920nm range, and take out the SAM with your second AIM-120
=09(these seem to work every time against SAM trucks, unlike the
=09Storage tanks: Each tank farm has a main building cluster and
=09two rows of oil tanks. Use the MK-82s on the buildings and
=09strafe the tanks. You need to destroy at least half of the
=09tanks at each facility in order to get mission credit."
=09Josh Laurence (hcaddict@aol.com) gives this strategy:
=09 "The neat thing about this one is you'll have multiple bogeys=
=09closing in on the you from both sides out of sight of your radar. =
=09load up with missiles only, 4 120's, 2 Aim9's and 2 Harms (I might=
=09strongly suggest a drop tank) and motor out towards the right of =
=09Don't worry about your wingman - he's not that aggressive and will=
=09You MUST down the outside planes - a Mig 27 on your right, an SU 2=
=09right in front of you and another on the left. I like going afte=
r the
=09Mig first. So bring your speed up as high as you can until your =
=09tank is empty (12k lbs on the meter). Jettison the tank and drop=
=09military power. =20
=09Down the three enemies - no easy task - and remember to stay well=
=09of range of the SAM site. Don't waste your AA missiles, you'll ne=
=09them later. Once they're dead or running, head for the waypoint 1.=
=09for the fun part. Bring your speed real low - 250 to 300 kts and =
=09up with one of the two rows of fuel tanks at about 50 - 100 feet. =
=09SHORT bursts on the gun take out a line at a time. With practice,=
=09 should kill the whole field in three passes - and don't forget th=
=09tank by the office building. =20
=09After the first target is eliminated, find the NEW Sukhoi doing th=
=09dawn patrol. If you don't find him, he'll find you. Again, make =
=09you're also not near the one SAM site. Down the Mig, stomp the S=
=09and at you leisure continue on to the other two targets. =20
=09Make sure to keep a close eye on your fuel and ammo levels. It ta=
kes a
=09long time to get everything done with this job but it's certainly=
=09the payoff at the end."
Red Ball Express: John Manning (pmodern@aol.com) writes:
=09"Use the recommmeded load. Fly on autopilot towards waypoint 1
=09(the airbase) with your radar in silent mode. When you're
=09within 10nm of the base, turn on ACM to make sure no enemy
=09interceptors are in the air. There are three fighters waiting
=09at the far end of the runway. Drop your BLU-107s on the runway
=09just in front of them to keep them sitting there, then swing
=09around and bomb the planes with your MK-83LDs. You can then
=09take your time bombing the plant at waypoint 2.
=09Once I destroyed the runway but didn't bomb the planes, and
=09they started rolling across the desert! They drove about a
=09mile from the base and then just sat there."
=09Dave Zack gives another approach:
=09 "I have a quick little trick for playing "Red Ball Express"
=09in F18. This is really a pretty easy mission but I found a
=09neat little way to do it. When you get in the air there are two
=09initial threats, two air defense units. Take them out with
=09your 88's. You can actually fly home at this point if you want
=09but that would be too easy. It seems the defense set up their
=09AA too close to the secret lab so when you take out the AA
=09the lab gets bombed too. Now to my neat little trick. Switch
=09over to the ground radar, the one that tracks ground movement.
=09You will see three enemy fighters scrambling to get you. You can
=09get these guys two ways: traditional: Let them get airborne, they=
=09are going so slow they are meat and you can get them with sidewind=
=09or even cannon. Other way: this is my trick. You can target these
=09guys right after you take out the AA with 88's or 120 (the 120's
=09probably won't work after the patch). You can blast them all befor=
=09they get off the ground OR just take out the lead one. I have watc=
=09them if you just take out the lead one. They just sit there becaus=
=09there is rubble in their way and they can not take of. Good strafi=
=09practice! Once these guys are gone, proceed to bomb the hell out t=
=09base and plant....mega points! Look for a moving jeep..."
=09 Finally, Bill Lee (bill@appleoz.apple.oz.au@appleoz.apple.oz.au=
=09summarizes his strategy:
=09"The trick for Red Ball Express may be summarized:
=09 1) Radar will alert the target: don't use it first.
=09 2) You don't need a nuke to destroy the primary target. You
=09 do however need to kill three enemy planes quickly...
=09Here's a step-by-step method of achieving the above two aims.
=09 a) Select your weapons: Two nukes will not be needed. I find
=09 the following mix quite useful, although another mix follows=
=09 S1: AIM-9 S9: AIM-9
=09 S2: AGM-88B S8: B-57
=09 S3: MK-82LD (2) S7: MK-82LD (2)
=09 S4: AIM-120 S6: AIM-120
=09 S5:MK-82LD (2)
=09 (this mix is for those who are not the best at bombing,
=09 and need plenty of bombs to hit the target)
=09 S1: AIM-9 S9: AIM-9
=09 S2: AIM-9 (2) S8: B-57
=09 S3: AGM-88B S7: AGM-88B
=09 S4: AIM-120 S6: AIM-120
=09 S5:MK-82LD (2)
=09 (This mix allows maximum points, max protection. It is
=09 riskier, as you have to be spot-on with all bombs for
=09 maximum points)
=09 b) Throttle up to 100% and swing around to the right, taking
=09 the runway 330. Line yourself up and press "w" to switch
=09 on the TACAN for your first target. Do NOT turn on your
=09 radar. Take off and select an approx 7 degree climb.
=09 c) Fly manually on the TACAN 1 bearing. Turn on FAST mode if
=09 you want. Meanwhile, select AIM-120s for A/A mode and
=09 the B-57 in the A/G mode.
=09 d) One minute from target - turn off fast mode if is is on.
=09 You should be at least 12k feet by now.
=09 e) Fifteen seconds from target, invert and select A/G mode
=09 (i.e. the B-57!). The trick is that you are going to drop
=09 this on your secondary target, the enemy airfield, rather
=09 than the factory. This will eliminate all three enemy
=09 aircraft on the ground in one stroke, and score some ground
=09 targets. If you are really good, you might be able to
=09 use an AGM-88B to take out the AAA battery before you drop
=09 your B-57. Anything on pylon S2 goes when the B-57 on pylon
=09 S8 is dropped anyway.
=09 f) Select the runway nearest the control tower as the target
=09 of the pipper. Guide ball onto pipper, and pull away hard.
=09 Don't go below 3000 ft.
=09 g) If you have been illuminated by radar, turn on your 10 mile
=09 ACM mode, ECM, and switch to A/A weapons. Kill any plane
=09 that has made it into the air. Watch the area around the
=09 end of the runway.
=09 h) Once you are sure that you are alone, select target 2 on the
=09 TACAN and fly towards it. If you have an AGM-88B, use it
=09 on the AAA battery near the target. Climb to at least 6000 =
=09 (and don't ever go below 3000 if the AAA is still alive).
=09 i) Ten second from target, invert and locate target. Locate th=
=09 drop point of iron bombs (MK-82s) to between the two towers
=09 at the end of the long building. Guide ball onto pipper and
=09 then pull away (again watch out for AAA if is is still alive=
=09 j) Repeat h)-i) until there are no buildings standing. You can=
=09 get the water tower, so forget it.
=09 k) Fly home, but take out the other AAA battery at the enemy
=09 airfield if you have a spare AGM-88B.
=09This method should score at least 3 planes, 1 factory and 9 ground
Turkey Shoot: John Manning (pmodern@aol.com) writes:
=09"1. Load six AIM-9s, two AIM-120s and an extra fuel tank.
=09 2. Take off and head toward waypoint one. Use afterburners to go=
=09=09your speed to 550 knots or so. When TACAN says you're=20
=09=0910 milesxx from wp2, switch your heading to waypoint 1.
=09 3. After a couple of miles, turn off autopilot and drop below 10=
0 ft.
=09=09Use brief radar peeks to adjust your heading so you're coming
=09=09up on their six. Don't switch the radar into ACM mode,=20
=09=09because the auto-targeting will warn the bogeys.
=09 4. When you're less than five miles from the hindmost plane, turn=
=09=09your Sidewinders and fire one at each of the planes, as quickly
=09=09as possible, making sure you bring each target square inside=
=09=09the aiming ring to improve your chances of hitting them.
=095. They almost always get a couple of missles off at you. Dodge t=
=09=09(that's the tricky part -- if you survive the initial round
=09=09you can almost always win the mission).
=096. Swing back around and check out the remaining planes. Target t=
=09=09then use the '5' key to see if they're smoking; a damaged plane=
=09=09on a downward path usually crashes, but one flying level or
=09=09rising is worth taking out with one of the AIM-120s.
=097. If your threat indicator is beeping, keep circling and try to f=
=09=09undamaged planes. They are often above you. Hunt them down
=09=09and kill them with your Vulcan if you're out of missles.
=09This works most of the time. The key is surviving the initial=
=09enemy missle barrage with your radar and weapons functioning."
Red Glare: Josh Laurence (hcaddict@aol.com) provides this solution:
=09"This is one of my personal favorites. It's got Air to Ground, Ai=
r to =09
=09Air, and Tactical targets. It's also difficult because you need t=
o get
=09things done in a hurry, the clock is ticking.
=09 Try loading up with four AAMRAMs, two HARMs, two AIM's, and the =
=09fuel. Take off on AB1, climb at AB4 up to 20,000 feet. Make sure=
=09you're doing at least 400kts and turn the AB off. You'll need the=
=09speed to get to the SAM site quickly. Before you get there, the=
=09Missile site should lock onto you at about 25 miles out. Don't le=
=09this bother you or shake your game plan, he won't launch until you=
=09much closer. Just remember to keep a watchful eye on the Sukhoi=
=09heading away from you toward his base.=20
=09 At about 20 miles from the SAM site, Lock on to the truck and un=
=09one of the 120's. At that height, the missile has a great chance=
=09knocking out the target. Switch radar modes and make sure the Su=
=09isn't turning around towards you. If he is, leave the radar on=
=09because he can see you now. Start your descent towars the radar t=
=09You should time it to reach 15,000 feet at about 15 miles out, a=
=09when you do, lock on target and shoot the HARMs. =20
=09 Hit the afterburner and select the Sukhoi. He should be climbin=
=09because your altitude has made it difficult for him to get a tone =
=09you. When he does, make sure you have at least two missiles strea=
=09towards him before begining evasive maneuvers. A pair of split S'=
=09should get you out of the soup, but if it doesn't, shoot the=20
=09Sidewinders at him and try an Immelman. By the time you get out of=
=09that, the truck should be smoke and the Sukhoi should be running f=
=09cover, if it can still fly. =20
=09 Now for the Tactical part of the plan. There is a brown patch o=
=09ground, darker than usual, near the end of the road (not the enemy=
=09base). The SCUD launchers are on either side inside it. You shoul=
=09have at least a thousand, preferrably five thousand feet below you=
=09dive at the targets. Turn on the GMTI radar and lock onto the nea=
=09one, select the gun, and bring your speed down to about 200 kts. =
=09The lower speed will give you more shots at the target. You might=
=09also want to bring your gear down, in case you drop too quickly be=
=09getting to the target. You must hit both the trucks on your firs=
=09pass, or they've won. The steeper your descent, the better the li=
ne on
=09them. Knock out the first without gaining too much speed. You do=
=09want to overshoot the second. Getting the second one is kind of=
=09difficult, but is possible if you pull straight up, roll 180x, nos=
=09down onto it, roll 180x, and kill it. The rolling prevents the r=
=09out. It's easier than you think.
=09 Once you've got the second launcher you can kill the third the e=
=09or hard way. The easy way: Land and drive over to it. Shoot it=
=09and use the road to take off. The hard way: dive and strafe it a=
s it
=09drives across your line of vision. Once you've killed it, it's M=
=09time. Don't worry about the bogey approaching from your base, it'=
s an
=09AWACS. That's all there is to it.
=09 Two important things to try to do in all missions are to a) fly =
=09and fast, and b) fly silent as long as you can, it really does he=
=09give you the jump in AA combat. =20
Incoming: Many people have been reporting having trouble getting the =
=09to explode, even after several hits. Some have taken it out with
=09just one or two hits, but that is not the norm. Some people have
=09advocated trying to hit him with head-on shots, but we're still=
=09looking for a good way to solve this one...
>From: bylsma@unixg.ubc.ca (Dieder Bylsma)
>=09In non-time sensitive missions, should you wish to be wimpish, yo=
u can
>=09always set the mission on fast and let the planes/opponents run o=
ut of=20
>=09fuel and then attack. Since they crash land, you get the credit! =
>=09once they've landed, intact or otherwise, they are indestructible=
. See=20
>=09Chemical Dependance for an example.
Other Missions: Hey, we need your help! Please send your hints to
=09James.C.Anderson@williams.edu. Thanks!
In Hawaii, where there's more time to browse, look for:
=09-Waikiki Beach. Hotels, beach umbrellas, sailboats, and hordes of
=09 tourists defacing the natural beauty of the island. Strafe away.=
=09-The Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor.
=09-Honolulu International Airport. Try landing on the roof.
=09-An active volcano on the Big Island. You can land on this, too.
=09-A lighthouse on north-east Kauai=20
=09-A cliff on the north shore of Molokai
In the Persian Gulf:
=09-There are reported sightings of an actual Easter Egg floating ove=
r an=20
=09 airport near lake Bahr al Mith west of Baghdad...
=09-Try driving instead of flying. Apparently they are kind enough no=
=09 to shoot at pilots on the ground.
=09-Try killing an enemy plane with a bomb. Not easy, but it's been d=
=09-Drop a nuke beside a carrier.
Sightseeing in Kuwait City - John Manning (pmodern@aol.com) writes:
=09-Choose the "Pull the Plug" mission (if you don't have Jim Baughma=
=09 great little mission chooser program you should get it). Take of=
=09 and climb to 15,000ft at a heading of 85 degrees. When you see t=
=09 Persian Gulf ahead, turn on your radar in RBGM mode. After a whi=
=09 you'll see the Gulf appear at the top of your radar screen; adjus=
=09 your heading so the river (that little line running from the west=
=09 into the Gulf) is centered on your radar. When the river mouth i=
=09 nearly at the bottom of the radar display, tab to 40nm range and=
=09 switch to SSS mode. You should see several dots on the screen. =
=09 you don't see the dots, switch between RBGM and SSS until you do.=
=09 the dots appear, immediately hit the target select key, then pres=
s the
=09 '5' key to look at what you've locked onto. Cycle through the ob=
=09 and you'll see, among other things:=20
=09 a mosque
=09 a small light house
=09 several offshore oil platforms
=09 a refinery with many different objects, including the spheroids.
=09 To see the suburbs, find the mosque. It's in a small brown squar=
=09 on the southern lobe, where Kuwait City is marked on the map. Dr=
=09 below 400 feet and fly over the mosque at a heading of 205 degree=
s. =20
=09 After a brief flight you'll see small brown buildings sprouting l=
=09 mushrooms from the desert. =20
=09 Like the Easter egg, the buildings can't be damaged. I landed an=
=09 drove through a few of them, then took off and remembered I had a=
=09 nuke, so I tried to blow them up that way. Nope. It seems adobe=
=09 stronger than I thought.
>From: wardo@expert.cc.purdue.edu (Wardo )
>=09Missionsing the OPTION key while selecting "Tour of Duty", one is=
>=09given a dialogue box prompting for mission number and airplane. =
>=09is CASE-sensitive.
>=09WARNING!!!=09This is an undocumented feature added to F/A-18 1.1.=
>=09It should also be mentioned that it is not supported by GS; and, =
>=09imagine that the people at GS will not do too much to assist you =
>=09your program/computer crashes. I have not had any problems on my=
>=09Centris650, and cannot foresee any reason that it should due to t=
>=09feature, but still. . . .
>=09I have been diligent in trying to list all airplanes that can be =
>=09for each mission. This is not exhaustive, since I have yet to fi=
>=09which mission the DC10 is flown, though. =20
>=09It should be noted that the only difference with switching airpla=
>=09is your initial starting position is different and that the exter=
>=09view (pressing key 3) is different than when flying FA18. Of=
>=09course, B52G, DC10, and AWAKs carry a hell of a lot of fuel, so t=
>=09are good for exploring the theatre. Also, this feature can only =
>=09used in theatre mode and NOT during training or networks. Finall=
>=09you no longer need Mission Chooser since you can simply type FA18=
>=09the Hornet at the airplane prompt and you are off!
>=09Case-sensitive, so copy exactly!
>=0901=09=09=09MG27=09=09BLACK GOLD
>=0902=09=09=09AWAC=09=09BIRD DOWN
>=0903=09=09=09MG27=09=09YOU CAN'T HIDE
>=0905=09=09=09SU27=09=09JUST SAY NO
>=0906=09=09=09MG27=09=09DUCK HUNT
>=0907=09=09=09B52G=09=09BOMBER RUN
>=0908=09=09=09F117=09=09WARM WELCOME
>=0909=09=09=09MG27=09=09SWITCHING SIDES
>=0910=09=09=09MG27=09=09CHEMICAL DEPENDENCE
>=0911=09=09=09MG27=09=09HEADS UP
>=0913=09=09=09MG27=09=09RED GLARE
>=0914=09=09=09SU27=09=09INTERCEPT SANTA
>=0915=09=09=09SU27=09=09ROAD TO DESTRUCTION
>=0916=09=09=09MG27=09=09TURKEY SHOOT
>=0917=09=09=09B52G=09=09SURF'S UP
>=0918=09=09=09A10A=09=09HIGH FLYER
>=0919=09=09=09F117=09=09NIGHT HAWK
>=0920=09=09=09MG27=09=09THE BRIDGE
>=0921=09=09=09MG27=09=09CHOPPER HOP
>=0922=09=09=09SU27=09=09NIGHT THREAT
>=0923=09=09=09MG27=09=09BAD WATERS
>=0924=09=09=09MG27=09=09BURNING WATER
>=0925=09=09=09SU27=09=09HOLE IN ONE
>=0926=09=09=09SU27=09=09TANKS AWAY
>=0927=09=09=09(NONE)=09=09RED BALL EXPRESS
>=0928=09=09=09(NONE)=09=09PULL THE PLUG
>From: bylsma@unixg.ubc.ca (Dieder Bylsma)
>=09Here are some more tips for F/A 18...
>=09Select the SU27 in Red Glare. Now, once you're flying in his ship=
>=09you can see his armanents which are some AIMs and AMRAAMs. This i=
>=09particularily useful for all sorts of missions. Once you know wha=
>=09you're facing, then you can prepare! Doing this and you'll see th=
at at=20
>=09least one of the Mig-27s in Welcome Home has no armanent at all=
>=09except for his guns.=09
>=09There's an F117A in Red Glare! Once you've come back, you'll see =
>=09black speck orbiting your airport. Funnily enough you can see him=
>=09you can't see him on radar...using the cheat (any plane cheat) re=
>=09that the F117A is busy taking off from the desert floor and uses =
>=091/2 of his fuel at AB6 to get airborne. After that, what his miss=
>=09is, is a mystery!
>=09Using the cheat, you will discover that should you select your ta=
>=09i.e. your plane on the ground, the B52G, the F111 or whatever, i.=
e. the
>=09opposing side, the plane can be nearly unshakeable in its determi=
>=09to get to the target. See the terrorist mission (Road to Destruct=
>=09with the SU27 and lock onto your own F/A 18 on the carrier. Or, s=
>=09what happens in Heads Up (3 fighter bombers going for your base) =
>=09you choose the SU27. It just aims for that poor chopper and nail=
s it=20
>=09with its brethren SU27!
>=09Most of these questions are irrelevent with the release of 1.1.0
>=09and 1.1.1. I will be deleting all references to 1.0 bugs in the
>=09next FAQ
-My copy has a lot of bugs. Is this normal? Will it get fixed?
=09Version 1.0 of Hornet clearly had a lot of bugs. The version 1.1
=09upgrade should be out after about December 18,1993. Jon Blum of Gr=
=09Simulations explains:
=09"We will soon be releasing an update to Hornet which has evolved f=
=09a simple bug fix patch, into a full blown upgrade with a new flig=
=09model, better database (more detail), loads of new features includ=
=09difficulty preferences, and more options for flexibility such as =
=09mode in any mission. We will also have ARA support and tuned flig=
=09models for different control methods (Thrustmaster, Gravis,
=09keyboard, mouse and powerbook trackball). Much more to come!=20
=09 The release patcher will be sent free of charge to all register=
=09owners, and will also be uploaded to major online services and the
=09GS has also summarized the new changes as:
=09- ARA support & optimized network code.
=09- Thrustmaster support
=09- New radar functionality
=09- New EO functionality
=09- New preferences including difficulty Levels
=09- Ability to choose missions
=09- New scenery
=09- New flight model
=09- New AOA indexer
=09- Numerous bug fixes including replay/continue mission.
-Does F/A-18 work over a modem?
=09No, at this time, it does not support modem play or ARA. GS says i=
=09will support ARA soon, though. (see above question)
-Does it work on a 660av?=20
-How fast a machine do you need to run it? How does the speed compare=
=09On a slower machine (stock IIsi or lower) some find the game rathe=
=09slow (somewhat more than Hellcats), though most still find it=
=09playable and fun. As with Hellcats, having a faster machine does m=
=09the game run better. After telling myself I needed it for academic=
=09purposes, I bought a 50MHz accelerator for my IIsi. Now both
=09games are faster, smoother, and even more fun than before.
-Does it work on a powerbook with an external monitor?
=09Yes, although it seems to have more cosmetic bugs this way.
-How about on just on the powerbook's internal screen?
=09Yes, it will work. Some people complain that the screen is too slo=
=09to redraw. Also, using the trackball may be difficult, but some
=09even like it better than a mouse.
-Where is a good place to buy it?
=09Any major mail-order house should have it. It should cost about
=09$45 + s/h. Software stores also carry it but generally charge mor=
-What is the highest score anyone has completed a tour of duty with?
=09Dunno. Feel free to send me scores for future editions.
-Why don't the rudders work well?
=09Try hitting the key several times. Apparently there are several
=09settings. Remember to center then when you are done turning.
-What's wrong with my replay?
=09There are some major, (we mean real major, and even humorous) bugs=
=09the playback. Graphic Simulations says a bug fix will be out soon.
-Is the F/A-18 fly-by wire?
=09Yes. Specifically, the FCS mechanization is quadruplex CBW to the
=09horizontal stabilizers and trailing edge flaps, and dual CBW to ea=
=09aileron, leading edge flap and rudder (I don't know, I just took i=
=09out of the manual)
-How do I stop my Mousestick from drifting off-center?
=09The Gravis Mousestick does seem to have a problem with drifting
=09off-center as you play. To fix this temporarily, pause the game, t=
=09run the stick in circles as far as it will go several times.=20
=09Do make sure that your rudder is centered, though, before assuming
=09the stick is broken.
=09 If the drift problem is severe, call Gravis. Apparently some of =
=09sticks contain ROMs (they'll tell you if you're included from your=
=09serial number) that allow drift. They will replace them, but you h=
=09to send the stick in.
-When will we get more mission disks for F/A-18?
=09GS is currently working on bug fixes for F/A-18. After that, they =
=09said they will try and resolve some some compatibility issues with
=09Hellcats, then write missions for F/A-18. So it will be a few mont=
-I registered a month ago and haven't gotten my unlock code. Has anyo=
=09GS seems to have a backlog of these things. Some people (who regis=
=09as soon as it came out) just got theirs, so they are sending them =
=09though it seems to be taking over a month.
=09 Also, faxing your registration card in seems to take care of th=
=09problem. GS will just fax you back the unlock code - your wait sho=
=09be measured in hours, not weeks.
-My disk #2 is bad. Do I have to wait weeks to play the game?
=09This is a common problem, so GS has allowed disk #2 to be uploaded=
=09anonymous ftp from cs.ucdavis.edu in the directory /pub/FA-18.=
=09Occasionally, the system there automatically deletes it, so if it =
=09not there, e-mail Todd Heberlein at heberlei@cs.ucdavis.edu who wi=
=09repost it for you. Also be sure to get the README file he has writ=
=09which gives very clear instructions on how to process the file.
=09 If you don't have ftp access, you'll have to call GS and have t=
=09send you another one.
-Are there any other FAQs for Mac flight sims?
=09Yes, there is an extensive FAQ for Hellcats over the Pacific. You =
=09get it from the archive listed in the next section.
-Why do I suffer damage from missiles that seem to miss me?
=09The missiles have proximity fuses - they detonate when near the=
=09target. That's part of the reason you suffer varying degrees of=
=09damage. If a missiles goes off far away, you may just lose a few
=09systems. A direct hit, on the other hand, can end things in a hurr=
-How do I tell what direction I'm going if my HUD goes dead?
=09You can use the moving map as a compass, as North is always up.
A. Definition of Frequently Used Terms (What do they mean when they s=
=09A-10 - A new simulator by Eric Parker, the lead programmer for
=09=09Hellcats, who has since left GS. It is due out early next year.
=09CYAC - Chuck Yeager's Air Combat, another recent Mac flight sim.
=09FBW - Fly By Wire
=09Four Stars - The rating the December MacWorld gave Falcon MC. Hell=
=09Gravis Mousestick II - The most common Mac joystick. Many people l=
=09=09it (I'd hate to play without mine.) but a lot of people think
=09=09the stick is too thin or unrealistic, or don't like the=20
=09=09drifting problem. The Mousestick I is a different joystick
=09=09that is not supported by F/A-18.
=09GS or GSC - Graphic Simulations, the company that publishes F/A-18=
=09HotP - Hellcats over the Pacific, GS' previous game.
=09Immelman - A maneuver to change direction while increasing altitud=
=09=09 It is essentially a vertical climb, then a half roll.
=09SA - Situational Awareness.
=09Split-S - A maneuver to change direction while losing altitude but
=09=09 gaining speed. Invert, then pull a half loop.
B. Archives - Tom Morrison keeps a great anonymous ftp archive of F/A=
=09stuff (and Hellcats and CYAC) at chemotaxis.biology.utah.edu in th=
=09directory /public/hellcats_feats. It includes pictures, Quicktime=
=09movies, programs and patches. If you're looking for something for=
=09a Mac flight sim, this is the place to check. Thanks to Tom for ma=
=09this possible.
>=09Also, look for a full blown Hornet archive here at Williams as
>=09soon as I get it set up. I will have all the faq's available
>=09slong with all patches, add-ons and what ever else I can think of=
>=09I will officially announce it via comp.sys.mac.games as soon as=
>=09it's up.
C. Patches - The archive listed above is your best bet for finding an=
=09Sumex (36.44.06) also occasionally gets stuff.
=09- FA-18 Mission Chooser (v. 1.0.1) - a program to let you alter th=
=09=09current mission on a pilot file. A clear, easy to use program,
=09=09but use it on a copy of your pilot (not the original) if you
=09=09want to be really safe.
=09- PsychoHornet - A ResEdit resource file that allows you to select
=09=09any ordinance in any mission. Includes installation=20
=09- Copy protection hacks - Sorry, not here. Hate to be preachy,=
=09=09especially because it's a rather annoying copy protection, but
=09=09at least it goes away when you get the code from GS, and this
=09=09program is definitely worth buying...
>=09- GS bug fixes - The bug fixs are out. At this point, there
>=09=09are updaters for 1.0 to 1.1.0 and and updater for
>=09=091.1.0 to 1.1.1. You MUST, do it in that order. Rumor
>=09=09as it that there will be a 1.0 to 1.1.1 updater available
>=09=09but I haven't seen it. There is also a new data file
>=09=09for 1.1. You must have this to run 1.1.*. GSC will
>=09=09be sending out disks to registered users to bypass the
>=09=09need to go through all this in future updates. They can be
>=09=09found at sumex.stanford.edu, AOL, wuarchive and who knows
>=09=09where else...
D. Release Notes -=20
Here's the rundown of what's new and what fixed in version 1.1.0
F/A-18 Hornet Revision History (as of 12/19/93):
=09*** New Cool Features
=09- A STICK CONTROL pop-up menu has been added to the preferences di=
=09 for direct support of third-party joysticks including Gravis=
=09 MouseStick=A8 and the new ThrustMaster=AA Flight Control System=
=09 (including seperate throttle and rudder pedals). Please see incl=
=09 "ThrustMaster Buttons" text file for details. Mouse response ha=
=09 been inproved for better aircraft handling. The "Mouse/Keyboard"=
=09 setting also has better handling with a trackball.
=09- A DIFFICULTY DIALOG has been added for more control over SAM, AA=
=09 enemy pilot ratings, missile/Gun lethality, etc. In addition, yo=
=09 aircraft's sustainable damage can be adjusted from "easy meat" t=
=09 "flying tank" (minus the clever wording).=20
=09- ARA (Appletalk Remote Access) is now supported allowing direct
=09 modem-to-modem connections using the built-in networking feature=
s in
=09 system 7.x. Please contact Apple Computer for information on AR=
A and
=09 networking.
=09- RICHER TERRAIN, bases have more individual character for more fl=
=09 enjoyment=20
=09- COMMAND-I will hide all instrumentation leaving the HUD and
=09 weapons visible. (HUD can still be turned off by using COMMAND-H=
=09- COMMAND-N will (night/day toggle) adds 12 hours to the world tim=
=09- CYCLE through the four missions at the current pilot level by ho=
=09 down the option key while clicking on the "Briefing" button in t=
=09 Pilot Window.
=09- ZOOM keys now available in forward (cockpit) view.
=09*** New Cool Flight Model
=09- General flight model has been radically changed for more realism=
=09- Velocity Vector now shows accurate flight path in real-time and =
=09 the nose rather than leads it.
=09- Velocity Vector now flashes when HUD limited (at the edges of th=
=09 HUD).
=09- Auto-gear-up mechanism has been removed in favor of a breakable=
=09 (watch it!)
=09- Gear will now break at speeds in excess of 200 Knots on all NON-=
=09 surfaces.
=09- Gear will now break at speeds in excess of 300 Knots on all PAVE=
=09 surfaces.
=09- AOA indexer is now fully functional and keys only on AOA=20
=09 (as it should). New indexer colors are green over amber (yellow)=
=09 over red. Green is too slow, amber is on-speed, and red is too f=
=09 Combinations of lights indicate intermediate states. For example=
=09 Green AND amber means SLIGHTLY fast, etc.=20
=09- AOA indexer will now shut off as soon as you touch down.
=09- Nosewheel steering has been incorporated. You can use rudder on=
=09 ground.
=09*** Other Changes to 1.1 from 1.0.x versions
=09- Radar modes now have independent range "memories," recalling pre=
=09 range settings.
=09- Ground coverage for ARAD and GMTI modes has been redesigned to t=
=09 altitude into consideration when imaging. Therefore, the higher =
=09 go, the wider your coverage (up to the maximum ranging currently=
=09- Weapons can no longer be released while not flying (on ground).
=09- Electro Optical camera tracks the current target, designated wit=
h the
=09 radar or with the E/O designate "Return." Camera resets to ahea=
=09 position when AG weapons is cycled.
=09- It is now possible to cycle through radar targets using (\) key =
=09 enemy (5) view.
=09- All weapons except the B-57 nuclear device are now available in
=09 training missions.
=09- 20MM Cannon lethality has been increased.
=09- Color for "Fast" mode cue will now be the same as the currently =
=09 HUD color.
=09- Ejection seat will work at low altitudes.
=09- Missions will now end automatically when you STOP your engines a=
=09 having flown, even if the mission objective has not been complet=
=09- Panorama mode now works on two monitors. (any size)
=09- Network code has been radically redesigned.
=09- New network terrain.
=09- It is now possible to enter the network world before or without =
=09 players.=20
=09*** Addendum
=09- AutoDoubler 2.x or greater should work fine with Hornet.
=09*** Undocumented Keys Summary (use during flight):
=09- COMMAND-I: Hides/Shows instrumentation
=09- COMMAND-H: Hides/Shows HUD
=09- COMMAND-C: Changes HUD Color
=09- COMMAND-R: Resets current mission (Works in training and network=
=09 only.)
=09- Zoom in and out (0 and 9) now work while you are in the cockpit.
=09- COMMAND-N: Toggles Night/Day (adds 12 hours to clock). Works in=
=09 replay too.
=09*** Fixed
=09- Replay/resume mission inconsistancy has been fixed.=20
=09- Max. on-ground speed of 135 knots bug has been fixed.
=09- Radar has been totally re-written to eliminate scaling problems =
=09 large monitors.
=09- Heading displayed in Moving Map is now correct.
=09- AAMs can no longer be used to hit ground targets effectively.
=09- Problem with PowerBooks connected to external monitors has been=
=09 fixed.
=09- Problem with keystrokes sticking on occasion has been fixed.
=09- Panorama mode is now working properly in both color & B/W modes.
=09- HUD now defaults to Black on B/W Machines.
=09- It is now possible to select either of two monitors as your main=
=09 flight monitor.
=09- Instruments now draw correctly in all instances under both syste=
m 6=20
=09 and system 7.
=09- Custom sound driver has been removed.
=09- Problem with de-brief screen causing freezes should now be fixed=
=09- "SHOOT" cue will no longer flash while cycling through airborne=
=09 targets on radar.
=09- AGM-62s are now properly rendered on aircraft wings from interna=
=09- Some missions have been fixed for consistant play.
>Here's the rundown of what's new and what fixed in version 1.1.1
>=09*** Before Installing!
>=09- Some "System Extensions" may conflict with the installation=
>=09process. It is best to install with extensions disabled.
>=09- To start without extensions: - System 7 users: Hold down the=
>=09"Shift" key during system startup. - System 6 users: Move system=
>=09extensions out of the "System Folder" and restart.
>=09*** New Cool Features=20
>=09- COMMAND-A toggles between radar altimeter and barometric altim=
>=09in the HUD. Look for the "R" near the altitude indicator for rada=
>=09- COMMAND-D dumps fuel to lighten your fuel load. Each time you=
>=09depress COMMAND-D, fuel is dumped down to the nearest 1000 pounds=
>=09- COMMAND-G (gas) tops off all internal fuel tanks. You must be=
>=09parked (DEAD STOP) on the taxiway (NOT THE RUNWAY.) DO NOT shut =
>=09engines off to refuel, since shutting down engines will end the=
>=09current mission. Note that you must be on a friendly base to refu=
>=09- Pressing both UP & DOWN keys simultaniously will yield a 90=
>=09degree up view.=20
>=09- The HUD can be turned off entirely by hitting COMMAND-H. This =
>=09be useful in helping to track enemy SAMs and air-air missiles by=
>=09reducing clutter and increasing visibility.=20
>=09- Holding down the OPTION key while selecting "Preferences" rest=
>=09default settings for the particular Mac being used.=20
>=09- Game play can be accelerated by hitting COMMAND-F during fligh=
>=09(not available in net play). This will quadruple the speed at whi=
>=09everything happens, so use this feature with caution! NOTE: While=
>=09fast mode, some instruments may seem frozen. This is NOT a bug. S=
>=09come out of fast mode and the instruments will resume their prope=
>=09- You may reset your aircraft to its original starting location =
and =20
>=09ordinance at any time during trainning and network play by pressi=
>=09COMMAND-R. Note: during network play, a kill will be scored again=
>=09you every time you use this option!
>=09*** Joysticks
>=09- Hornet ships with a fully configured set for the Gravis MouseS=
>=09II which should provide perfect control at all monitor sizes. If =
>=09have any questions about MouseStick II operation, or about upgrad=
>=09your MouseStick I to a MouseStick II, please contact Advanced Gra=
>=09at (604) 431-5020 for details.=20
>=09- Thrustmaster A.C.C.S. is fully supported, including stick, thro=
>=09and rudder pedals. For information, please contact Thrustmaster, =
>=09at (503) 639-3200.=20
>=09- Other joysticks: Use the Gravis setting. DO NOT use the=20
>=09"Mouse/Keyboard" setting.=20
>=09- Use the "Mouse/Keyboard" setting for trackball support.
>=09*** Incompatibilities
>=09- After Dark features activation corners which cause it to eithe=
>=09activate or deactivate (sleep/wake corners). Although the mouse=
>=09pointer is not seen while playing Hornet, the system tracks its=
>=09movements and when it enters that corner, After Dark attempts to=
>=09"sleep." This causes the appearance of the mouse pointer and "de=
>=09following the mouse pointer track. SOLUTION: Disable After Dark=
>=09during Hornet play.=20
>=09- Superclock! has been reported to cause interference with the H=
>=09simulation. The problem manifests itself as a jerkiness during f=
>=09SOLUTION: Disable Superclock! during Hornet play.=20
>=09- PowerBook Users: Disable "System Rest" mode during Hornet play.=
>=09System rest will cause adverse interference with an otherwise smo=
>=09*** Memory & Monitor Sizes=20
>=09- Hornet requires a minimum of 2700 K of free RAM to operate corr=
>=09in 640x480 mode. You'll need to allocate additional memory to=
>=09accommodate larger monitor sizes. In general, adding 1000 K of ex=
>=09memory to the application will be enough to support play on any=
>=09monitor size up to 21". If panorama mode is selected, you should=
>=09allocate and additional 2000 K of memory. Some of the symptoms of=
>=09low memory condition for your monitor size would be things like=
>=09strange "garbage" characters being printed in some of your readou=
>=09or even a total rejection of the mission at load time.
>=09*** Networking
>=09- Players who choose "Fly" while in the Briefing room in network=
>=09will have a bullet displayed in front of their name to indicate t=
o the=20
>=09other players on the net that they are ready to fly. =20
>=09- While in the Briefing room, notes can be typed to members of b=
>=09teams before flight simply by typing the message and hitting RETU=
>=09to "send." Private messages (those which can only be seen by your=
>=09team mate), can be sent by typing out the message and then holdin=
>=09down the OPTION key while hitting RETURN.=20
>=09*** Helpful Notes
>=09- Slow your mouse speed down to one of the slower speeds. The m=
>=09speed is controlled by the Mouse control panel, located in "Contr=
>=09Panels" under the Apple menu item. Try various speeds to see whi=
>=09feels the most comfortable. This can help if the airplane contro=
>=09seem too sensitive. =20
Thanks to Brad Ward, Adam Talcott, Jim McKee, Russell Jordan, Tom Mor=
Scott Cherkofsky, Mike Chan, Jaymie Parker, Dieder Bylsma, John Manni=
Dave Zack, Josh Laurence, Bill Lee, James Knights, Siqi Tan, Todd Heb=
Dieder Bylsma and Ward "The Beave" Vuillemot who've sent information =
to help=20
compile this.
More info, tactics, suggestions, corrections, etc. are always welcome=
. Mail=20
them to Jim Anderson at James.C.Anderson@williams.edu.
Jim Anderson
Jim Anderson=09=09=09=09=09=09Williams College
Systems Manager=09=09=09=09=09=09Center for Computing
janderson@williams.edu (Internet)=09=09=09Jesup Hall
janderson@williams.bitnet=09=09=09=09Williamstown, MA 01267